Monday, March 3, 2008

Session Road in Bloom

Went up Maharlika roof top to shoot the Session Road Scene with Sir Noli. Here's how it looks up there.


  1. nice carl... hehehe... colorful...

  2. cool and nice night shots you have here, Carl... galing!

  3. Wow! Never seen Baguio like this before. Galing kuya! San kayo uminom pagkatapos nito? Hehe...

  4. Sabay ang pagkuha sa paginom. It's either drink while you shoot or shoot while you drink, hehe. I first brought Richard there after I discovered it while scouting for new locations to shoot. Then Carl and I went there and invited KNJO to join us. Let me know when you're here so we can shoot from there. Cheers!

  5. Sabay ang pagkuha sa paginom. It's either drink while you shoot or shoot while you drink, hehe. I first brought Richard there after I after I discovered it while scouting for new location to shoot. Then Carl and I went there and invited KNJO to join us. Let me know when you're here so we can shoot from there. Cheers!

  6. wow! ang sikip ng session! nakakamiss tuloy!
